Experimental design for beer cans

Why beer can?
I see beer can is versatile medium that can cary wide range of design styles, that is why I chose it to explore different styles and ideas I was working on... also, I like to drink beer and buy pretty beer cans :).

I have created couple of design, some of them presented here. You can find all of them in older posts on my Instagram account.

- SKOL: should be pretty self-explanatory with minimalistic nordic design.
- Hair Of The Dog: created after last New Year's eve
- Death Punk IPA: I love the illustrative style and tried to emulate some of the designers I follow, but also just wanted to explore fun
 summer design style
- Cloudy: Set of unfiltered summer lagers

Hair Of The Dog - To be consumed the day after a big party :)
Death Punk IPA: My most beloved design so far, and Cloudy citrus created in colaboration with my friend Lukas Vojtek.